Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Journey So Far

As I look back at the last six weeks, and my previous post, I still feel many of the same needs in my training.  I would still like to be a project manager and still feel the need for developing my skills.  I am gaining an understanding of risk as something that can be managed effectively.  Using the tools we are learning about will help reduce the uncertainty of projects.  Good analysis and planning will reduce the risks. It seems like the unknowns are not so unimaginable as they were six weeks ago.  I feel my lack of technical experience will be the biggest impediment to project success. Experience will fill in the rest of the areas where I'm weak.

The coursework still stretches me.  Staying focused and committed to the task at hand still sometimes is difficult, but I also feel like I'm getting a little better at scheduling and managing my time.  Writing is still work, but my thoughts seem more organized week by week.

I don't know if I will be successful in becoming a project manager.  To a large extent, it is dependent on the opportunities at work and positions that open up, but either way I feel more prepared to take on new challenges in whatever new endeavors I face in the future.